The ones I would show off that are also great smokers are my Ser Jacopo square shank saddle stem blast bent Dublin and my Ferndown full bent billiard, kindly given to me by a Forums member. But there are my Savenelli's from unfinished no-filter pipes to some extremely nice up-market pipes given me by my wife, and some excellent Johs and a group of all-good Petersons. And I'm not prejudiced against my American Kaywoodie, Yello-Bole, cobs from MM and Old Dominion ... and an array of great French pipes from Chacom, BC, Villiard, Ropp. So I'll say, my Ser Jacopo, but I'm fibbing a little, so many favorites. Not to mention pipes of Mountain Laurel and briar by pipe carver J. Perry from the foothills of N.C.