What is your most expensive pipe ,why'd you buy it & do you regret it?

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Might Stick Around
May 21, 2014
I was just browsing smokingpipes.com and clicked on their "specials" page. There was an S.Bang Blowfish on sale for $5,000.00

On eBay there is an Kent Rasmussen pipe for $11,000.00

That got me to thinking and hence this post. It can be argued that, At the end of the day , a pipe is simply a nicotine delivery system. A $2.00 corncob can get the job done.

I've never spent more than $250.00 on pipe with the exception of my custom hand carved Russian Crest Pipe. I could've bought a lot of other stuff for the money I spent on this pipe but I don't regret it, not for a minute. I dreamed about a pipe like this since I started smoking pipes 30+ years ago.

So I'm curious, what is your most expensive pipe ( you don't need to post the actual cost), what made you get it and do you regret it?



Feb 21, 2013
Most of my pipes are low to low mid-level. I guess my most expensive is a Ser Jacopo blast Dublin with a "sinuous"

shank, about 1/4 bent. I bought it on deep discount from smokingpipes.com who had a sale on the brand. I bought

it with money from selling a particularly (by today's standards) long poem to an anthology that had a few other poems

but mostly prose, so I was able to place this unusually long piece. It's a fine pipe, no regrets at all. A lot of my good

smoking goes on with pipes costing half or a quarter of what this one did, so learning that is a bonus. Right now

I'm enjoying a Parker cherrywood that cost a little over $50 plus shipping, a great smoking pipe.



Nov 3, 2013
In the sticks in Mississippi
I've never regretted buying a pipe at any price unless I didn't like the way it smoked. My most expensive pipe was a gold banded Dunhill that I bought in the late 1980s for $220. It didn't smoke any better than any of my other pipes, so when I needed money, I sold it. No regrets.



Might Stick Around
May 21, 2014
Agnosticpipe, so is the reason you bought the dunhill is that you thought it would smoke better?



Jul 29, 2013
Most I've spent on a new pipe was a smooth Peterson 03 Dracula. I haven't used it, just wanted an unsmoked one to have since it was a limited production, I love horror movies and the pipe just looks cool.
I wouldn't say I regret it, but I don't get any use out of it either.
Luckily there aren't any pipes I would pay more than $120 for. My average cost is usually around $30-$40 because I have only bought estates.



Might Stick Around
May 21, 2014
That's interesting. I briefly thought about not smoking my newest pipe but now, 10 bowls in, I can't imagine why I may have thought that way at all, lol.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
I have a limited income and a really good estate source, so rather than spend $500-600 on a new one, I've been spending about $55 on sterilized, refurbished ones that in my mind are just as good as the new ones.



Jul 29, 2013
I like the Pete 03s (I have an 03 Rocky Donegal as well) but I bought the Dracula more as a collector-type item. The box sleeve is from the first run (Says "Dracula 2012" instead of just "Dracula").
I may smoke it one day, but I have pretty solid willpower and plenty of briar to use.



Nov 3, 2013
In the sticks in Mississippi
nkrourilo, no I bought the Dunhill because even though I already had a few, I really liked the looks of it. I always thought that Dunhills were very well made pipes, but I lost interest after I found that that they didn't really smoke better than many other pipes. This is just my opinion, and I don't think Dunhill pipes are bad in any way! They are wonderful pipes, but so are many other pipes that cost less. My motto: buy what you like and can afford. Right now I can't afford a Dunhill, but it doesn't bother me, because I have plenty of pipes that smoke really great, and I feel smoke just a great as the Dunhills that I used to have.

(of course, if someone has a Dunhill that they want to trade for let's say a Savinelli, I'm willing to give it another shot) :lol:



Jun 10, 2012
New Orleans
I spent over $400 on a Rad Davis that he made for me while I spent a day with him in his workshop....it smokes amazingly and the experience watching him make the pipe was priceless...NO Regrets!!! I've bought plenty lower priced factory pipes that I liked the shape or finish but never smoked all that well that I've regretted and wish I could get my money back...



Might Stick Around
May 21, 2014
Makes sense. I choose pipes based on looks more so than thinking that one may smoke better than another. And of course, now that I'm widowed, I have to consider how I look smoking a pipe. In my mind, nothing looks more appealing to a woman than a two headed eagle hanging out of my mouth, lol.

Dec 24, 2012
As I told my wife earlier today, I . . . uh . . . have never spent more than $50 on a pipe and can't imagine doing so . . .



Aug 12, 2011
My most expensive pipe is my Ryan Alden Commissioned billiard. I bought it because I have gotten to know Ryan through the last few years and bought lots of estates from him. I watched his work , new it would be an awesome pipe and I know that in a few years he will be up there with the big boys and I won't be able to touch one for even close to what he made this one for me and on top of it being beautiful it is an excellent smoker and I highly recommmend him to anyone thinking of having a pipe made by an Artsian. NO REGRETS!! :worship:



Jul 29, 2013
@NOLA Cajun, that is a pretty amazing experience getting to watch someone like that make a pipe for you. Pricey, but most certainly memorable. Damn ... that's cool.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
My most expensive pipe is a 2012 Peterson Pipe of the Year smooth, at $215. I don't regret it one bit. It's the best smoker I have. Nice thick walls and very lightweight. Perfect draft hole and the best draw of any pipe I have. I'm of the school of a $5 cob is nowhere near as good as a $200+ briar.



Dec 24, 2010
North Carolina
I have two Dunhills..Almost 20 years I ran into a fellow who was closing his shop.He sold them to me at half price.It still cost me $600 for the pair of them..Am I glad I have them..YES..Would I do it again..Maybe



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 25, 2013
Same here Peck. I have a couple Manduela's and a couple Rasmussen's.....I can't remember what I paid, but $50 sounds good!



Mar 25, 2014
At the end of the day , a pipe is simply a nicotine delivery system.
I beg to differ nkourilo.
Many pipe smokers are even intolerant to nicotine and stick with lighter nic blends. Smoking a pipe involves far more than ingesting nicotine, however the nicotine can be a plus!
Cigarettes may be referred to as a nicotine delivery system, but pipes and cigars are about enjoying the pleasure of smoking the tobacco, not just the side effects.
A $2.00 corncob can get the job done.
I doubt anyone would argue the fact that an inexpensive pipe can still provide an excellent smoking experience, but many pipe smokers and/or collectors pay for the workmanship or uniqueness of a pipe. I also beleive that some smoker/collectors readily enjoy a great smoke in a sub brand, a factory second or a cheapy as much as in some of their high end pipes.
If money was no object, I'd certainly spend more on pipes than I do now. As that isn't the case, I probably spend too much at $100 - $150 for a Pete, Sav or Chacom. I just found a line of pipes for under $50 new and I'm definately going to give them a try, but no matter how good they may or may not be, I'll be keeping several $150 pipes on my shopping list.
The $700 Dunhill will have to wait 'til I in the lotto!



Might Stick Around
May 21, 2014
Dottiewarden if pipe smoking is about "the pleasure of smoking tobacco" how would a $700 dunhill give you more pleasure than a Pete, sav or chacom?

And understand, as someone who just spent well, well, well north of $700.00 on a pipe I'm not questioning that a pipe is so much more than a bowl for holding tobacco. For me, a pipe is a functional work of art and I choose my pipes accordingly. I'm just curious what others think.



Oct 15, 2013
I suppose a pipe is no more a nicotine delivery device than a Lamborghini Veneno is a person delivery device. :D
Pipes can have a special look and feel that enhances the smoking the experience. The one you choose to use at any given time depends on the occasion or your mood.

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