I have owned a wide variety of lighters — Zippo, Kiribi, IM Corona, Dissim, Beattie’s Jet, Nimrod, Djeep, hemp wick lighters, and, of course, Bics, plus many pipe-specific butane lighters. Hands down, my favorite is a classic Dunhill Rollagas pipe or cigar lighter. Dependable, easily repairable, thumb adjustable right angle flame, and a compact size. On eBay, a common style in good condition goes for around $100-150 USD when purchased refurbished, often from Asia, like Vietnam or Japan or Indonesia. Of course, the price varies greatly depending upon condition and the desirability of the design. The refill valve is a bit of a PITA, but is easily replaced with a conventional valve, should you want to. I have one fully original cigar lighter and three cigarette lighters which I have converted to pipe lighters. The cigar lighters have a dual flame, like the Kiribi. Basically the same as the pipe lighters, but a little broader.