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Ok - I'll go next - I'm a scientist. PhD Organic/Medicinal Chemistry and I will click off 30 years of industrial drug discovery this August 17. 25 years in Big Pharma and 5 in Biotech. I worked in infectious diseases (antivirals, antibacterials, antifungals), cardiovascular and metabolic diseases/diabetes, immunology, oncology, immuno-oncology, neuro-degeneration, rare diseases and then some. Mostly management/leadership over the last 15 years. It's been a wild ride. The industry is far from what it was when I entered it with the dreams of curing cancer (I had that as a teen). I am ready to hang it up soon and spend more time fishing and hanging out on this site.


Dec 22, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
The last 22 years working in Print and Promotional Product sales. Started with zero knowledge of the industry and 22 years later transitioning to owner. Very small company 6 people. Father in law started it in 1983. Hope to grow to 8 or 9 people I really like to be around and share my passion for taking care of clients.

Prior jobs, Insurance Agent/ Manager, Eyewear Sales, Bike shop manager, shoe salesman.


Jul 9, 2011
I retired in 2003 after 35 years as a Chicago Public Schools Teacher-Librarian. I taught Library Science, Literature, research and organization skills, the Great Books, and pretty much what the classroom teachers needed from me to help supplement their lessons. I worked with all the K-8 students, in the same West-Side school the entire 35 years.
Now, every day is Saturday, but Sunday.
I began teaching Sunday School classes, at my church, in 1974, to sophomore and junior high school students, and continue to do so. I'm also the tonsured, ordained Reader for Liturgical Services.
Beyond that, I read, listen to music, smoke a pipe, hang-out with old friends, and spend hours on this Forum, reading what my pipe friends post.
And after 51 years, my wife still puts up with me! Go figure.


Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
Retired from the Coast Guard after 21 years.
(Today is the Coast Guard's 232nd birthday. It is the oldest CONTINUOUS sea going in the country.)

Executive Assistant for a Marine Insurance Adjuster
Managing Editor of a monthly hunting and fishing magazine for 10 years.
Production & Art Director for a printing company (specializing in printing newspapers and magazines.)
Self-employed as a print advertising designer.

Semi-retired now after I cut my client list from 10 down to two small grocery store chains.


Might Stick Around
Jul 27, 2022
I sell paint and paint accessories to contractors and relatively large construction firms. Most of my day is spent smoking a pipe in the warehouse and listening to classic country, while waiting for my 3 customers a day to come in. It’s a pretty good gig, actually. I even work for my father-in-law, so the environment is extremely relaxed and easy.


May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
My first real full time job after I got a 2 year degree from Boston University was as a mfgs. rep in the jewelry industry. I had 6 mfgs I represented annd all of New England was my territory. My sample case had 50,000.00 worth of fine gold jewelry no costume shit. This was back in the day of state maps, city maps, tons of change for the public phones.

I got out of that and went into the car business and for me it was like shooting ducks in a barrel. In my 3rd month I was the top sales man at a big Dodge dealer outside Boston. Not long after I was made a truck manager and took my department from number 35 in the zone of N.E all the way to 3rd. They had me on a pay plan no salary of course and when I started making more money than the General Sales manager of the entire dealer, they adjusted my plan. It was still great money but it taught me a good lesson, the car business is pretty sleazy. I became a finance and insurance manager at a place called Harr Ford in Worcester Mass. I knew I wasn't going to be there long so I did a churn and burn stuffing all kinds of shit deals down the banks throats. It was good money and then I decided I liked be a sales manager on the floor much better. More action and I enjoyed training killer care sales men and I was the best closer in the place. I still hold the record for most cars sold at this one dealer. I sold 38 cars in one month. Second place had 21. It was a contest for a trip to Aruba and I decided I was going and no one came close to stopping me.

1990 rolled around and we went from over 200 cars a month down to 80 because of the recession. I had my 50 grand salary but there was no bonuses. I opened a pool hall in Rhode Island and that was a big success. I bought the plaza which held the pool hall and had some tenants. I retired when I sold the plaza in 2017 and have been chilling every since. I was a born sales man and businessman and recognized it very early in life.
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May 30, 2022
Lots of experience on this site! Me:
Feed and Seed Store
Italian Deli
Convenience Store
Credit Manager
Operations and Logistics
2 degrees, no nothing :)
Retired, I be tired
Substitute teaching to fill time gap


Dec 18, 2015
Cobleskill, NY
I was a nanotech chemist who started handling patents for my company, and then spent thirteen years at law firms. I gave it all up to sell pipes, shortly thereafter started selling the pipes that I make, too, which I thought were just a hobby. Now I guess I am taking up running pipe shows, too. There is more craziness in the future, too, I am sure.


I sell paint and paint accessories to contractors and relatively large construction firms. Most of my day is spent smoking a pipe in the warehouse and listening to classic country, while waiting for my 3 customers a day to come in. It’s a pretty good gig, actually. I even work for my father-in-law, so the environment is extremely relaxed and easy.

Are you hiring at the moment ?


Might Stick Around
Aug 4, 2022
Beaverton, OR
I've had quite a few jobs over the years, but I've recently retired from teaching computer science at Portland State University. I also occasionally act as a testifying expert for intellectual property litigation in my areas.
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Richmond B. Funkenhouser

Plebeian Supertaster
Dec 6, 2019
As I've posted before, I'm an old school pimp.

Most of my working life has been in sales; cars, life insurance, fire insurance, warranties, and loans. During this time I also did repossessions, and collections. when I started with that I didn't even have a truck, I repoed cars with a Toyota Camry. I'd find the people, get the keys and get the car.. I'd leave mine there and get a ride back later.

The last 5 or 6 years of my working at dealerships I'd take the winter off and hang sheetrock.. I started this trying to get in shape, I was hating the fact that I was wasting my 20's sitting in a desk or driving around.

Eventually, I just got so tired of fighting with people over missed payments and broke down cars that I switched completely to construction.. Tired of lying, tired of being lied to... I turned over a new leaf. The simple labor in construction is therapeutic and good for your health.

Last year health issues that I had been fighting for years started to take the lead.. So now I raise chickens, pigs, rabbits and I still sell a few cars here and there.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 20, 2015
Olympia, WA
I've done many things from an Old West gunfighter to an unemployment specialist. A few years back I quit my job at the State of Colorado, sold our house in Denver, and moved with my wife to California to study with Franciscan friars. I got my MDiv and am now an ER chaplain.