I've understood a hipster was what I had once referred to, when on a trip to Chicago, as the "Gleaming Hip." They are usually to some degree affluent and concerned primarily with appearance and being seen, not character or substance. They are a subculture of the bankers and financiers who feel the need to consume the planet and peoples' lives for profit and denigrate those less educated and lucky than themselves. The Adbuster article cited at the beginning of this thread is hogwash. That writer is resentful, within the age range of his subject, and is not detached nor analytical in his approach. I suspect he didn't get invited to parties or has trouble getting dates. Maybe he just needed fodder for his worthless blog. There is no relationship between hipster and the second article cited, except to say the large woman campaigning against traditional body image is the antithesis of what a hipster is. She is being individualistic, challenging social norms, and rebelling against the status-quo of rail-thin models and glamazon fashion dictates.
I completely agree with Warren and others' assessments of labeling others and being labeled. I will not insult the intelligence of this group by lecturing on social perceptions, culture and anthropology. While the gleaming hip blind the world with their brilliance, I'll continue to better myself and others by learning and perfecting skills in their oily shadows.
Hipster Fate
I completely agree with Warren and others' assessments of labeling others and being labeled. I will not insult the intelligence of this group by lecturing on social perceptions, culture and anthropology. While the gleaming hip blind the world with their brilliance, I'll continue to better myself and others by learning and perfecting skills in their oily shadows.
Hipster Fate