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Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
I got divorced in February 1998 and did a night out on the town with the guys. I ended up smoking my first cigar that night.
Once I took up cigars, I bought Tad Gage's book, "The Idiot's Guide to Cigars". The original printing had a chapter on pipes and I started my journey into the pipe world thanks to Tad Gage.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 16, 2009
Grandpa Brassil and Mixture #79. I'll never forget that aroma.He was an old fisherman from Ireland no tampers just his index finger. It was always stained brownish yellow and never seemed to burn him when he tamped. Good Memories !! He used to let me clean the pipes and I loved doing it.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 26, 2010
I didn't really have anyone smoke a pipe around me, though my dad did smoke cigars a lot in the 90's and still does on occassion today. Kids of my generation would probably have fewer pipe related memories I guess. I just started as anside to listening to the ball games on the radio on my porch recently, but it's been very pleasurable.
I do have some questions about the grandpa that smoked half and half or captain black type memories. It seems that a lot of members equate the memory of pipes with aromatic blends, but themselves prefer VA, or English blends with more flavor less aroma. Wondering how that changes things? Will your legacy be that you smoked a stinky blend? Or will future generations be borne into the "premium" tobacco blends? Just an inquiry, by no means any commentary on anyone personal preferance.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 22, 2010
I used to be a huge cigar smoker and would purchase $15-$20 cigars. One day I walked in to buy cigars and a man was smoking a pipe and I loved the way it smelled. I thought about it for a week or so and decided to purchase a pipe. However, I was a senior I'm highschool at the time so I was short on funds and opted for a basket pipe. I had no idea what to look for an went by the feel an look of the pipe. I ended up buying a bent bob for $16 and a cherry blend my local shop sold. Little did I know I purchased a decent pipe at a good price. I smoked it for a few weeks but was very inexperienced and had a horrible time because of it. I then picked cigars back up until I got fed up with the tax increases and decide to try pipe smoking again for the sake of saving money. This time I looked up how to actually smoke the pipe and it was a very enjoyable experience. My girlfriend was also influential on the decision to take the pipe back up by stating that she thinks pipe smoking is sexy and sophisticated and she would like me smoking a pipe much better than "those nasty cigars". I now just purchased my first "real pipe" a Savinelli Venezia (though I had to send the one I received back as some of you know due to the blemish in the bowl that would lead to a burnout). I also purchased more off eBay and look forward to restoring them. I also tried PA for the first time and I absolutely love it. I now am enjoying pipe smoking very much and hope to pass my pipes on to my future children someday so they can have fond memories similar to those that you guys have had.



Jun 2, 2010
I have a similar story to most. Grandfather and great Grandfather both smoked pipes and cigars. Dad smoked cigs and cigars and chewed mail pouch. I grew up with in interest in all things tobacco. Never went for the pipe though till I was around 25. I had thought about it over the years but never made the step to try. One day, shortly after the first Lord of the Rings movie came out, I spied an old Canadian in my friend's basement. We broke it out, along with a few others, and cleaned the lot of them up. I loaded up the Canadian with some rather old local news stand aromatic and started fiddling around in the studio. Well, 6 hrs later the sun was coming up, and we were listening to the 4 hrs of improv we had recorded and I was smoking the remainder of my 3rd bowl. with a strong suspicion that I might be a pipe smoker I ordered an S&R "yard pipe" straight pot from Pipes and Pleasures in Columbus, Ohio and headed for the tobacconist. First thing I tried in my new pipe was Penzance. Suspicion turned to confirmation...I had become a pipe smoker. 13 years later I am still enjoying my pipes and tobaccos.



Jul 28, 2010
Sherlock Holmes,Spencer Tracy smoking a Meer in Stanly & Livingston and my oldset brother when I was in junior high.



Can't Leave
Aug 31, 2010
shotokun16---Here is part of your solution to fixing the problem with your girl friend and you smoking a pipe-the pipe stays and the girl,well,let her decide the other part.



Might Stick Around
Jan 5, 2010
Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle.

George Burns



Mar 9, 2010
Around this time last year I got a feeling that smoking a pipe might be worth trying. I don't honestly know where I got the idea from but I ordered a cheap meer-lined pipe for testing purposes, did some forum browsing and youtube-video watching and liked it a lot.
Both my grandpa and dad used to smoke pipes but I can't remember ever seeing them do it (they must have quit when I was really small). Maybe I subconsciously remember it?



Sep 28, 2010
i went with some friends up to Jackson Wyo for fourth of July earlier this summer for a crazy weekend of fireworks, i wanted to get a sweet zippo as a lighter and bought it in this cool little smoke shop right there in town.
the smell absolutely captivated me, and so after months of fantasizing about taking it up (i've never smoked anything before) and gradually looking around, i decided i'd try it out



Can't Leave
Aug 4, 2010
Little Rock
For years, I was turned off to any type of smoked tobacco. As a kid, I traveled frequently with relatives that would chain smoke Winston cigs with the windows rolled up. I hated them and their habit. I'm surprised I'm still alive today. However, later on, pipe tobacco seemed to peak my interest. The few times that I browsed around a pipe and tobacco shop through the years, I was intriged at the different flavors and aromas available. A few months ago, I told my wife that I wanted to try a pipe and she went with me to purchase my first pipe and tobacco and the rest is history. I'm hook, not addicted. There is a big difference. I do enjoy my pipe.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 29, 2010
While on deployment in Iraq late at night afer our patrols were finished we would gather for some relaxation. Most would be smoking a cigar, some cigs, and one a pipe. It was a meer and he was smoking captain black royal.I loved the smell and purchased a meer for myself the next day and some royal, the rest is history



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 29, 2010
buck captain is good stuff when I was in Iraq thats all they sold. Expensive also 7.00 dollars.The Royal is good you gotta try. I also recommend the gold pack probably my favorite



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 14, 2010
I always thought about it since i read lord of the rings in middle school. my first time smoking was at 19, sophomore year in college. I bought a Dr. Grabow savoy and some captain black white. I still smoke my savoy, and still smoke CBW.



Might Stick Around
Sep 25, 2010
My Great Uncle always smoked. Besides that I've always thought it a very interesting hobby. I've been smoking for about a year now.



Can't Leave
Aug 31, 2010
The craftsmanship and the quality of the pipe.It just deserved to be smoked,and I came to enjoy it once I slowed down and smoked it gently for a cool smoke.I can't remember the last time I had tongue bite because of making the tobacco on the drier side just before loading.That has kept me always enjoying it.



Feb 1, 2010
For me it started when I was 10. I was goofing around with one of my buddies and he stole a cigarette out of his mom's purse for each of us. We were going to try it but chickened out. Later that day, my mom found the cigarette in my pants. She freaked out and phoned my dad and he came home and screamed at me about smoking. Then he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and said "You're gonna smoke every one of these until you get sick" We sat out in the garage for 6 hours while I smoked every one. Damn they were good! Dad got frustrated and sent me to bed. So the next day, Dad comes home with 2 packs of menthol Kool 100's convinced they would make me sick. Four hours later and down one pack, I was now hooked on menthol cigarettes thanks to mom and dads ridiculous plan!!! The funny thing was, I went from being nobody on the playground to being the coolest kid in school. Ahh, the 70's. Nothing says groovy like a 10 year old with a pack of cigs rolled up in his t-shirt sleeve. Two months later, the switched me to a pipe to save money on tobacco. Then I got my ass kicked and the kids called me Sherlock Dork. I learned to smoke alone in the dark...bitterly.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Haunted, my first experience was at least a little like yours.
All male members on the paternal side of the family smoked pipes.

One day I asked my Dad if I could have a couple of puffs.

He put me in his lap and I took a nice big puff....

My head started to swim, and I nearly up-chucked....

When I tried to get down, he said: "Where you going? You said a couple of puffs, you still got one comin'".

I have to admit, I liked the taste but not the effect. I suppose I was in the 5th grade.

When I turned legal, I bought my first pipe... a Royal Coachman. I still have it and smoke it when the mood hits.


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