What English blends do you like and why?

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Mar 27, 2010
I’ve smoked a pipe for many years but took an extended time off for no special reason until about 4 months back. In the past I smoked aromatics exclusively, but now I’ve noticed that after enjoying many cigars and with a somewhat older palate I crave something a little bolder in flavor and have started trying different English blends. Maybe this will help with your suggestions, in a cigar I prefer dark rich sticks with oily wrappers, and that are often described with words like spicy, coffee, leathery with an earthy finish.
My current favorite English as many of you know is Boswell’s Northwoods, which is a blend of Black Cavendish, Virginia, and Latakia. I really like this blend because in my opinion it has a spicy, smokey flavor with an ever so slight sweetness buried deep within it. A few other that I have tried and enjoyed are Peterson’s Old Dublin & Irish Flake, McClelland’s 3 Oaks, and one from our local B&M called Hunter’s Lodge, which I believe is one of McClelland’s bulk blends.
I look forward to your suggestions and comments… Thanks – JC



May 8, 2010
I prefer English blends because they typically are less moist,

and I like the idea of creating flavors and aromas just on how different tobaccos are blended.

I have a favorite but forget the name of it. I picked it up in a pipe shop in Munich, Germany. I would say the aroma is "traditional", meaning that is reminds of what tobacco was "suppossed" to smell like when I was a kid. I want to say it has a Balkan flavor of some sort.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 11, 2010
Good point about the definition of "English" blend.
I just saw something again today where "English" blend was used in the context of...English vs. arommatic.
Personally when I think "English" I think latakia. Almost always with VA. Usually with some oriental tagging along. Sometimes also black cav.
If the oriental gets to be a main player, then I think of it as a Balkan. And if it is burley based I consider it an "Americanized" English.
I have no idea if this is right. Just the way I make sense of it in my head.
How about you? Are we in the same general ballpark?
I'm learning about English and Balkan Blends too...defined as above. I have about 8-10 different samples that I'm sort of randomly rotating to try to figure them out.
So far I really like Britt's Ole Limey Bastard (available at 4Noggins) and I think I am starting to like C&D Engine 99. The Stokkebye English blends are all pretty good too; and Balkan Supreme is a potential across the board "winner". The Balkans seem to have a sweet buttery thing to me which I'm finding is what I'm looking for when I think "English" and Balkan Supreme is a good one. I've tried Hearth and Home Larry's blend too; but it hasn't quite caught me yet like Balkan Supreme.
Have you ordered a free sample from Sterling/1776: Tobacco yet?
Their Tavern blend sounds quite good. I know Uncle Arthur, Dudley, and maybe others requested a sample and had good things to say. I chose Bostonian as my sample. It's a "naturally aromatic" English. I think it's topped in some way....maybe whiskey...not sure. But it is quite good. Nicely sweet and buttery to my buds. Carmely maybe. But it's subtle and yummy.
I plan to order some Northwoods very soon, along with Berry Cobbler and Christmas Cookie. Your description of Northwoods makes me think it will be right up my alley.



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
I enjoy Rattrays 3noggins it is well balanced and not overly strong .Nice Va base and a good mix of Turkish leaf .The latakia does not over power the base as in many English blends .If your budget is tight ,enough can not be said for PS Proper Engish .Both bleds are available in bulk .Hope this helps .



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 26, 2010
I've found that moat English blends have too much nicotine for me. I've narrowed it down to Frog Morton Across The Pond as my favorite, but most complain of it's weakness.
I have a bunch of Chelsea Morning that I was led to beloved was a mild english -- i'd be buzzing for days if I smoked some of your guys "night cap" blends.



Mar 9, 2010
Right now for me it's a toss up between PS Proper English and English Luxury with the Proper English in the lead. As for Balkans, I have yet to find a better one than PS Balkan Supreme. That doesn't mean I have quit looking though. As room note isn't a problem The smokey slightly sweet English blends do it for me.



Might Stick Around
Mar 2, 2010
jcsoldit, you and I share a similar pipe-smoking history and I too found that I enjoy richer, fuller-bodied blends when I returned to the pipe than I did 20 years ago when I was first starting out. There are some very experienced members on this site that I'm sure can give you excellent advice but let me offer my humble opinions as well.
The following blends are (I believe) what one would consider english blends, but none would be considered a latakia bomb. Some would qualify them as light to light-medium english blends, though I think quantifiers such as light, medium or heavy sometimes are used differently depending upon whether the reviewer is a huge lat fan.
Samuel Gawith's Chocolate Flake and Perfection-both are described as being very lightly topped with cocoa or chocolate (Chocolate Flake) and vanilla (Perfection). I can't for the life of me spot the flavorings in either blend. Both are rich and fuller-bodied smokes that are also smooth. They smoke rather cool and are easy to pack and light. In both blends the lat is there but not overpowering.
McClelland's Frog Morton-Excellent english blend with a pinch more lat taste and scent than the two mentioned above. The tin smells of a more standard (though not offensive) english blend because the lat plays a more central role (I believe anyway). It is in my top 3 blends of all time and I am NOT a lat fanatic. It smokes cool and dry and presents no fuss when packing as it is a true ribbon cut rather than a flake.
Please understand that I do not consider myself an experienced english blend pipe-a-holic. I also do not smoke cased aromatics. I tend to smoke the 3 blends I describe above and another handful of Virginia and VaPer blends, most notably Hal O' The Wynd, Escudo, Orlik's Golden Sliced, Irish Flake and C&D's Exhausted Rooster.
You may want to try one or more of the english blends I've listed above. Until now they've typically been easily obtainable but recently I've had a bit more trouble getting any of the Samuel Gawith's blends as they seem to be pretty popular. Luckily I've stocked up for just these occasions.
Let us know how your search is going.



Mar 27, 2010
Phil... I understand what you’re saying and maybe someone more knowledgeable than me will comment on this thread soon. Like most things in my life I'm still learning even after 53 years.
Mithrys... Thank you, I appreciate your input.
RJ… It’s nice to see that I’m not alone. No… I haven’t order a free sample, but thanks for the lead because now I will, and I’m going to try Ole Limey Bastard on your recommendation and because I like the name.
Thanks Sean, you’re not the first to mention Rattrays 3noggins... I may have to order some soon. I know you were trying to trade a tin or two of Chelsea Morning, if you still have more than you want I would be willing to buy one. It’s one of the blends I’ve wanted to try.
Arthur, I knew you would have some good suggestions, and PS Balkan Supreme is one I will try.
Raf66… thanks, I’m going to look into several you’ve mention. I really appreciate you comments.



Mar 27, 2010
oops... Sorry Sean
Jay... I don't have anything to trade, but let me know if you want to sell a tin of the Chelsea Morning.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 22, 2009
The 1st English blend I ever smoked was Dunhill Standard Mixture. I fell in love with that dry, salty, somewhat leathery flavor. After that I spent about 5 years smoking every English blend I could find. Now, my 2 favorites are McClelland British Woods, because of its refinement. When I want a straight out Latakia boost I go for Peter Stokkebye Proper English. The name says it all.



Mar 27, 2010
Thanks Mick... you’re about the 5th person to recommend British Woods, it's on my list to try. I feel your pain when it comes to a past Dunhill blend, a good friend of mine gave me a tin of Dunhill’s Aperitif, which like most tins of Dunhill you can find on-line... out of my price range. I smoke it sparingly but enjoying it none the less.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I suppose my all time favorite is Dunhill's Early Morning Pipe.

Just seems like the perfect blend.

But, I have never met a latakia blend that I didn't like.

I even have a stash of pure latakia... very smooth, but the wife won't let me smoke it in the house.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 22, 2009
Pistol, if you like EMP, I think you would really like Peter Stokkebye English Oriental Supreme. I find them very similar.



Mar 18, 2010
We would never take advantage of currency crashes just to, say, pick up a pipe or two, although it could be getting close to time to check out buying some pipes from Europe, (that is, before all of the artificial stimulus disappears and our own currency goes straight to the bottom):
6 month chart Euro to US Dollar



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 11, 2010
Just got some Lancer Slices. Very good as well.
As to currencies. I'd just like to be able to avoid the math. Let's all go back to trading in beaver pelts or shiny rocks of some kind. Same thing really when you think about it. Hell even a beaver pelt can make a fine coat. You cant' even wipe your kiester with a dollar bill. Too small and too stiff.
I have a theory that the best possible investment would be cans of tuna. I can buy a can of cheap tuna for say 50 cents today. When the economy comes apart and we're all starving because we forgot how to garden and hunt I believe I can trade that can of tuna to a starving guy for a nice pickup truck (which of course I can't drive because there's no gas but the point is still valid). Pretty damned good return on investment. Hard to eat a dollar or a pound note.
I always feel better about the economy when I remind myself that nothing is real.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 26, 2010
If I like Frog Morton Across The Pond but not regular Frog Morton I would like ______ ?

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