I agree with the consensus.
Although I do somewhat like it.
I like this one better:
...but even that specimen, I don't
love it, too much out of proportion with the overly thick shank combined with a too-skinny bowl, the golden ratio is way off balance.
It rarely works when a pipemaker tries to "tweak" a stonecold classic like the straight billiard, I realize that the makers are trying to be clever and stand out, but hey, some things are just perfect the way they are --- which is why Chris Asteriou is such a glowing example and should be a beacon light for those makers who are striving to win over stodgy old English pipe collectors.
Lindner has no worries though, he has a solid base of collectors and his asking prices are met. I think he deserves it after all the time he's put in. I like it that he's an x-punkrocker doing good.
I've been on the lookout for an estate of his for a while now, I'd love to have one of his "spider" stamped pipes just because it is no doubt the coolest stamp in all of pipedom, but they are $$$ even on the estate market.
His fishtail stems look to be amongst the best in the business and that's another big attraction for me.
I will have one of his classic blast'd billiards at some point,
it has been foretold,
for I have a tamper which is sending out silent prayers to summon the right pipe for good companionship.
The tamper he made is totally rad: