This is the heart of the matter. I think it matters, you don't. I also think transparency matters, you don't.
Yes, it's true that almost everything has its roots in something else. But over the course of many centuries humanity has worked hard to sort this admittedly vexed question out to encourage innovation and artistic creation by protecting the result. Because of this context we live in a world where appropriation without disclosure and/or attribution of credit where credit is due is held by many people to be problematic. Informed pipe smokers will decide individually whether they are bothered by this or not. Judging by the comments on this thread I'd guess there are plenty of people in both camps. For me personally it makes me feel uncomfortable and I wouldn't buy the blends; but I'm essentially a libertarian and am perfectly content to let other people do pretty much whatever the hell they want as long as they extend me the same courtesy.
As for your remarks about Sobranie, they're off point. Of course the Redstones tweaked what is after all a product that uses organic materials; Isidore Redstone told me so himself and I would have been shocked to hear anything else. He made it very clear that it was his job to make up for variability in the materials available to offer a consistent flavor profile to his customers. It's called quality control, and whether it's a tobacco blender following a recipe or a manufacturer working to tolerances or a defense contractor bound by milspec it's all the same thing: ensuring a consistent outcome. That's normal. Moreover in the process of doing this Redstone was protecting Sobranie's brands which Sobranie created and owned. What somebody does with their own property is not what's at issue here. The question is whether it's ok to use somebody else's finished branded product as a raw material in your own and not give credit or full disclosure.
I'll add a final thought. Obviously if KBV, or anyone else, sought and received permission to use a finished blend as a component in their tobacco this whole question would be moot. But since that hasn't been suggested by anyone I'm guessing that's not the case.
Dream on. Th industry doesn’t work on the romantic basis of the kind of full disclosure you fantasize about. We all like to think that pipe tobacco is some kind of Prince Charming, immune from the trends of the larger tobacco industry and societal and cultural pressures. It isn’t. It’s a frog. Maybe a small frog, but still a frog.
If KBV needs to seek an receive permission from anyone, whoever has that right can enforce it. He has stated openly that he uses some varieties of Esoterica in some of his blends. He has also stated openly that he has an account with Arango. Arango has, lock, stock and barrel, the exclusive rights to market those very blends in the United States. He has also stated openly that he has been to Chicago and met with Arango. They know what he is doing and take his money. At wholesale prices
If there is a problem, I imagine Mike Gold of Arango has the resources to solve it. Even with Covid, the courts are open and there is a large body of law on the subject of misuse of others property rights.
if it isn’t a problem that injures the parties you profess such concern about, why are you coming up with these crocodile tears?
I am so glad you conversed with Isidore Redstone, did he tell you where in Sevres, France they kept the Sobranie standard? Did the taste never, ever change under his stewardship? Was he naive enough to think the taste would not change the minute Gallaher started making it? If he cared so much about his product remaining pristine, why didn’t he go the McClelland route and shut the doors? I’m supposed to believe his version of the past?
I note that Ernie Q watered down (my pejorative, sorry Ernie fans, of which I am definitely one) some Ennerdale a few years back and tinned it as something with a clever sounding name that somebody might have taken objection to, but didn’t. Shame on him?
For a libertarian, you seem awfully eager to critique others who don’t share your pristine ethical views. I might sympathize with you if we weren’t talking about the tobacco industry, but we are.