What Defines a Good Smoke?

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Jun 13, 2024
How often do you have a bowl which could be defined a good smoke?
If you're one of those who smoke more than 5 bowls a day, is it just a habit?
I smoke 10-15 bowls a day when i'm not actively on a job site. If i'm not trying new tobaccos out, then almost every smoke is a good smoke since i only keep what i like. The only time i get off flavors is when i discover a pipe needs a deep cleaning (souring), which is rare as i maintain them often. Then, there's the occasional "pipepiphany" that occurs every once in a while, when i'm left absolutely speechless. Always chasing that dragon. ;)


Can't Leave
Jul 18, 2023
Western NY
I smoke 1-2 bowls a day and a cigar once a week or so.
Every pipe I smoke is a great one, if its not, ill dump it and try another pipe, blend or both.
But, like @Chasing Embers , I have a dip in 15 hours a day.
I do some pretty physical work around our farm, so the dip is the easiest way to stay nicofied!
Cool, I just made up another word.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2024
London UK
6-10 bowls a day, most of them satisfactory, occasionally surpassing expectations, now and again falling short for various reasons, like unmaintained or unsuitable pipe. If 50% or more left me discontented, I'd be reluctant to continue - and that has happened when sickness or medical treatment has wrecked my palate, temporarily.

Cracklin' Tobaccy

Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 3, 2024
Slaughterville, Oklahoma
I've nailed down my preferences and found what works for me. My tobacco tastes and stock are very basic and every bowl is fantastic. Every once in a while, for reasons unknown, a bowl of something I smoke all the time will just be out of this world exceptional. I smoke 3-5 bowls every day. When I lose track of time smoking it was a great bowl. When I regret dumping the ash at the end it was a great bowl. When that nicotine buzz hits the crown of my skull it was a great bowl. When I can smoke and sit in thought through an entire bowl without a relight it was a great bowl.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Pretty much almost every pipe smoke is good. Occasionally it's sublime. Every once in a while it's meh to crap. As you smoke the percentages should increase on the positive ends. It's a matter of everything coming together right. Yeah it kind of comes from experience and in a way learning skills often work in this way where the fun really begins when you don't have to think about what you're doing too much. Think learning to ride a bike or learning to play a musical instrument, once the basics become ingrained you can just enjoy what you're doing.


Nov 26, 2018
Smoke that doesn't interfere with my smoking. I do fidget with my pipe while smoking. Run cleaner, ash the chamber, clean the mortise. But I really don't like it when pipe is doing something and makes me to fix the issue before I do my thing.


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I tend to enjoy every bowl. Yes, even those that end badly, usually my error. I've not had a "bad" bowl since I can remember. But, I'm not bothered by the need to relight, not smoking down to "fine, white ash, gurgles, and such. I smoke the pipe,. the pipe doesn't smoke me" is, I think, most understandable by most casual smokers. I keep the pressure off and simply enjoy what the tobacco provides, no demands or stress.