***What Are You Smoking, September 2024?***

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Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 9, 2023
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Smoking Brebbia Latakia Flake no9. I liked Brebbia Balkan so much I felt I had to try this one. It isn’t very complex, unlike Balkan blend, but it is very sweet and tasty. Sometimes, you don’t want complex. You can tell the Virginias are aged a bit, which is probably why they charge the 20$ admission fee. Like Brebbia Balkan, it is totally worth it. I can see enjoying this one on occasion. I think this is somewhat better and smoother than Samuel Gawith Navy Flake.View attachment 339109
That’s why I like Lancer Slices. Not complex but very good

Servant King

Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
Made a point of wrapping up my end of the day/week chores around the ranch on the early side, so as to wash the day off me and be able to properly enjoy a bowl of Ashton Winding Road in a Savinelli Mattone 614 faux-Hungarian. 9/10. Turkey chili on the docket for tonight; hoping my long soak-drain-long cook strategy with the beans will avert any major flatulence. Since I'm in Southern California, most of you fine folks are downwind of me, so my apologies if my efforts fall flat...ulent. ;)

Bird report: House finch, California towhee, White-breasted nuthatch, California scrub-jay, California quail, Steller's jay, American crow, Oak titmouse, Mountain chickadee, Mourning dove, Hairy woodpecker, Dark-eyed junco, White-crowned sparrow, Northern flicker, and Spotted towhee. Pleased that more of the cold weather birds are returning so early.

Hope everyone has a nice relaxing weekend, and my best wishes to our gulf coast contingent here. 🙏



May 29, 2023
“Tobacco Row” Richmond Virginia USA
I always thought MS are always smooth.. :oops: very nice pipe there puffypuffypuffy
Thank you,
I enjoy them as they make for a lazy and laid back pipe on the porch.
The wind today has fought with me all day making me work at the lazy aspect a little 😂
They had blast all the way from the go as well. I’d love to find a smooth someday.
Last edited:


May 15, 2014
East End of Long Island
2019 Louisiana Broken in my Castello bent bulldog.



Jun 21, 2023
St. Paul, MN
Interesting stems on those! Did you get the gun shell tamper, too? Hope you had a great smoke. :)

3rd bowl for me this morning, after breakfast of eggs/sausage. Sixpence in a Celebi meer.

View attachment 339068
Thank you

This one sure does smoke great. I have all the things, too- shotshell tamper, Woodcock artwork, sock, and presentation tube that is positively stained from the cigar lounge air from whence it came

Smoking 2020 Fillmore again this evening
The stem pretty much reads as an interesting striped solid
But turn up the flash and macro and it gets sparkly. I've seen one other Nording use this acrylic


Jan 7, 2023
Casa Grande, AZ
Ruh-roh, the pipe etiquette police are gonna get after me!
Fifth smoke today (Irish Flake again) in the Ropp J11P, and even worse I’ve only used two pipe cleaners😱

Court Room, Dodge City KS (late 1800's) --- Sobrbiker stands accused of 2 major offenses:
1) Briar pipes should only be smoked once per day, then left for minimum of 24 hours to rest.
2) Per those who dedicate each pipe to 1 blend, smoking different blends is an offense unimaginable, ie, QUES's, How do you even know the flavor of what you're smoking? The pipe is completely confused!
Court (of those offended) finds that Sobrbiker, plus Sandblast, plus BenMN, plus others who stand in unison with Sobrbiker ... guilty of these offenses, and all now sentenced to be hanged at dawn, per the Pipe Purists.

NOTE: See "Good, Bad, Ugly" how Blondie (Clint) saved Tuco, with excellent shot, from hanging. Angel Eyes (Lee Van Cleef) calmly smoked his pipe throughout various scenes. Justice prevailed ... Hmm, but never found out what tobacco Lee preferred.
But I wanna be Blondie….


Might Stick Around
Jul 14, 2024
New England
Exclusive with a pinch of Autumn Evening in the Gefapip Giant, and a Hazy IPA. Just back from reinstalling a 220 repeater for our Ham club at our Mt. Constitution tower site. We're fortunate to have a spot at the top of the 400' tower (tallest of the 5 large towers) at this commercial site.
View attachment 339150
Our antenna is on the tower to the left (south).
View attachment 339153
Fellow ham plugging in the reinstalled repeater and controller in the secondary transmitter room (the white roof building in the pic above)
View attachment 339151
The copper pipes are antenna feed lines in the primary transmitter room! Dang big stuff and many installations in the various transmitter rooms driving public services (LEO, Fire, Public Works), TV stations, commercial radio stations, cellular, Coast Guard, and a handfull of regional ham club repeaters).
View attachment 339152
Nice! This post appeals to the pipe smoker, beer drinker, and radio geek in me, all at once. Nice to see 220 is used somewhere, not much activity here in the Northeast.


Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and have passed the quarter mark of this bowl of year 2010 Amphora Original (Brown) in a full bend barley sandblast Peterson 125th Anniversary 1898-2023 No. 172/330 302 brandy military mount with a silver band and a black vulcanite p-lip saddle stem.