C&D Eight State Burley in a Savinelli Porto Cervo 122 rusticated pot. No complaints on my end whatsoever about this little cold snap. 8/10
Bird report: House finch, Dark-eyed junco, California towhee, California scrub-jay, Red-tailed hawk, Northern flicker, Oak titmouse, Blue-grey gnatcatcher, California quail, American crow, Anna's hummingbird, Steller's jay, Mourning dove, and Western bluebird.
How would you consider the nicotine in Royal Yacht? Haven't tried that one yet.
It will leave you writing long-winded petitions to your congressional representative to get the blend banned throughout the Universe. The compromise will be that they just use it to fill potholes, but by the time it gets signed into law, it will be discontinued. Ain't bureaucracy great?