First a half bowl of Semois Medium Cut in an 8" Ropp Canadian.
Second, simultaneous bowls of Elizabethan Match blended 50:50 with Pirate Kake, smoked in a Radice Collect, and Mixture 79 in a Vauen Bent Egg (with the stem freshly drilled to 4mm).
Semois is pretty much what I expected, surprisingly sweet for a straight Burley, and of course burns perfectly.
Blended Pirate Kake and Elizabethan tastes mostly sweet while lighting and gains smokiness as the bowl progresses, I'm a bit surprised at the lack of smokiness but the Pirate Kake is six years old so it's a good question exactly how much potency it has left.
Mixture 79 is gentle and lightly sweet and floral, quite pleasant.