***What Are You Smoking, October 2024?***

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Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
A third of the way through this bowl of pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style. Fed my cats, and three ferals. Haven't checked to see if Abner the Eager is here yet, but I will after I post this. Ice water and bergs is my drink.
Basil_squashed_ tomato copy.jpg


Oct 16, 2020
Picked up an old 28 gauge 1100 and need to give it a thorough going over, including grinding and fitting a new pad (really doesn’t need a pad but it has a grungy one on it that needs to go), so reviewing things so I don’t screw anything up. Peterson Xmas ‘24 XL02 and Warped Scarecrow. Later ….. Lucy gets to romp and maybe stumble into a pheasant or two. IMG_4615.jpegIMG_4621.jpeg


Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 6, 2024
Ludlow, UK
No photo as I left the phone at home on charge. Spent the afternoon on some land I recently acquired at the other end of town, cutting brash and sawing up the larger bits for firewood... and had a superlatively good smoke of Peterson's Irish Flake in my Jersey Elliott of doubtful arboreal origin (whatever it is, it's a great little smoker). I'd not tried Irish Flake before, and took the sage advice offered by a wise and learned elder on this forum, viz. to cut a flake into tiny cubes and gravity feed it into the bowl after some drying (an hour and a half, in this case). Well, it lit easily and needed very few relights, very forgiving to a puffer, didn't bite, and waited patiently for me in between sups of coffee. If this weed were Chinese it would have to be called 'The Amber Gate Of Heavenly Peace', or something like that. It gave me a feeling of contentment akin, almost, to some Proustian memory of sucking in one's mother's warm milk when only months old (Yes, Mum did smoke when nursing me, but not a pipe - it would have been Wills' Three Castles cigarettes, I think). What also helped was that it was one of those still autumn evenings when I could hear the river murmuring over the rocks nearby and in the opposite direction the bellringers of the local parish church change-ringing peals after Evensong. If I'm coming across a bit strange it's probably due to the unaccustomedly heavy nicotine high :)
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Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
About a quarter of a bowl left of year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Cleaned a few pipes, and searched for Abner the Eager with no luck. Even though the rain stopped, it's dark and cloudy outside, so I didn't really expect to see him, but it was worth a shot. Maybe when the weather and his paw get better, he'll show up.