Smoking Autumn Evening in a cob. Cleaning out the ol' car hold. Off topic for this thread, but we live in the countryside, heavily wooded, no internet, no humanity. We often entertain wild turkeys, among many wonderous critters, but today we had a stray cat who was nibbling at the compost. As he ate, 20 or so male turkeys munched seed under our bird feeders, along with a juvenile skunk who comes everyday, day or night, and eats with the turkeys. While this feast was going on we watched a coyote, which are numerous here, creep up on the stray tabby. The tabby heard him and took off across the yard, passed the turkeys and skunk. The dirty, rotton, just trying to survive yote chased and ran into a wall of male turkeys who puffed up their tails, their feathers and, essentially, built a feather wall between the coyote and the tabby. The birds encroached and the dog ran back to the woods. The cat disappeared, the turkeys continued eating, and the skunk had no clue anything had happened... he likes the peanuts. I love these miraculous creatures, in this unbelievable world. What a treat.