Got a healthy pinch of Margate (sample) getting acclimated to life outside of its previous Ball jar residence, to go in my Savinelli Bacco 321 bent author. Bird report: California scrub-jay, Steller's jay, House finch, White-crowned sparrow, Northern flicker, House finch, Ring-necked dove, Common raven, White-breasted nuthatch, Mountain chickadee, and Dark-eyed junco. Weather's starting to get nippy, so it makes sense that I'm craving an English.
Between the Yom Kippur fast, two important days of personal remembrance, and a hectic workweek, I'm certainly ready to unwind a bit. Sukkot begins Sunday night, so in effect, a three-day weekend. You'll hear no complaints from me!
As Walter from
The Big Lebowski would say: Shomer shabbos!