Drying a healthy pile of Esoterica Scarborough (sample), which will be, for me, the first smoke in this BB&S bent egg I was gifted last week:
(full story
I've already requested Jesse's assistance for ID'ing this bad boy, but anyone else, feel free to chime in. Looking forward to this smoke, and my penchant for VAs on the drier side of the spectrum will ensure that I have to just be patient and savor the anticipation of the experience...
Bird report: California scrub-jay, Steller's jay, House finch, Oak titmouse, California towhee, White-crowned sparrow, White-breasted nuthatch, California quail, California thrasher, Spotted towhee, and Dark-eyed junco.
Even more good news: my neighbor must have finally realized that letting his dumbass smart phone be in charge of turning his string of unnecessarily bright driveway lights on and off at night was NOT a good idea. Damn things would stay on until 2am one night, all night the next, until 4:30am the night after that etc. Last night? Off at 11pm! I can stargaze again. Joy.
...of course, as I type this, another neighbor is indefinitely running some annoying loud thing for no reason whatsoever. Rednecks will be rednecks, I suppose...