A couple of minutes or so away from smoking Ken Byron Ventures Full Metal Balkanist in a 1978 slight bend CAO Turk's Head Meer with a yellow cream swirl acrylic tapered stem.
My father taught me this the first time I reached for his meerTo keep body oils and dirt from from getting on the meerschaum from my fingers.It could cause the pipe to dis color.Read that somewhere along time ago,and chose to follow it.
Just popped a 2017 tin (this is one of my top ten tobaccos, I’m glad I stocked up with all this talk that HU has been changing their blends!)
It sounds like a lot of folks are experiencing the same, which is a crying shame of course!I sadly don't have time to keep up with all the cool kid news...but is that (HU quality drop) and official 'noticed thing' now? I ask because I've been smoking Makhuwa for a while and it's been one of my "Oooohhhh yeeeeaaaah" blends. I recently got into tins ordered earlier this year and it had become an "Oh, that's a shame...." blend. Tried a few tins and all were harsh/bitter compared to the chocolatey toned fun it was prior. Though maybe it was a bad batch, but interested if others are having similar experiences with HU.
WCC Noreaster is good stuff. Between it and Ahab's Comfort they are well represented in my cellar.Finished up a bowl of WCC Noreaster, next is GLP Cairo in an IMP Rhodesian with silver spigot.
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After a French roast sandwich with green salad on the side, a Montecristo No. 4 with Santiago de Cuba Rum and my son having the same. Probably the last sunny and warm day here in Montreal, reaching 24 Celsius.