Enjoyed a tasty lunch,and am now smoking Wilke Experiment in an undated quarter bend Royal Meerschaum lattice apple meer with a black, gold and cream swirl amber colored acrylic tapered stem.
Just passing the half way mark on this bowl of year 2010 STG Schippers in a 1977 straight black rusticated Sir Brent 253 billiard with a silver band repair and a brown pearl grey acrylic tapered stem. Running low on this blend.
Time to satisfy the sweet tooth with a bowl of Wilke Vermont Maple Cavendish in a 1976 black rough carved Pioneer Meerschaum Hungarian with a pearl brown acrylic saddle stem. M'lady loves the room note! Got all of my walking in on this warm, humid day.
in the Day : Smoked a lot of Solani 633 in my Savinelli 316 Roma dedicated to Va/Per pair with Earl Grey
At Night : Smoked WhiteKnight and Engine 99 into a Savinelli 320 St-Nicholas 2020 Dedicated to English/Balkan pair with a strong black tea
I didn't finish my bowl of Maltese Falcon last night, so I'm polishing that off while I watch "Bride of Frankenstein". Drinking a Stone Xocoveza with it, which is an imperial stout with cocoa and spices, similar to Mexican hot chocolate.
About half way through this bowl of Wilke Lizzie Blood Virginia in a straight 1960s Lane era Charatan black with burgundy undertone sandblasted billiard 420 with a black vulcanite tapered stem.