***What Are You Smoking, November 2023?***

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Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Half way through this bowl of Wilke No. 515 Double Shot in a smooth dark medium bend 2021 Peterson Heritage Brown POTY 4AB No. 45/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. This is No. 515 with twice the rum of the Basil Rathbone blend. I'll end the day with this smoke.


Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 11, 2018
Balatonalmádi, Hungary
Smokes damn good, only problem is the bit is fairly chunky and will try to fall out of your mouth. Definitely not like Eltangs regular bits, but I suppose that’s why it’s a fifth of the cost. I’ll probably pick up another basic in the future.
I had the same issue with my Basic, it's one of the most uncomfortable pipe to clench (Falcon dental bit is close to it), even though it's lightweight. And somehow a lot of tobacco ended up in my mouth with every puff. This was my first and only pipe with an issue like this, I guess the airway is too wide for some reason. Additionally, because of the very thin walls, it became quite hot every time. It was not a good smoker at all, so I got rid of it - one of my biggest disappointments within my 20 years of pipe smoking.
You are correct about the cost, but for similar price I can buy a pipe from BriarWorks, or Tsuge, and those are at a whole different level.
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The Clay King

(Formerly HalfDan)
Oct 2, 2018
Chesterfield, UK
Earned GBP1.09 this morning; going to put it towards going to Buxton Crescent for food, beer, refills & Gawith Hoggarth. @Tate says I should save a bit more & get a clay to remember my time there - and some loose Gawith Hoggarth to smoke in it:)
Going to refill my water bottles at the Pump Room drinking fountains & take some used packets / leather pouch for my Gawith Hoggarth.


Sep 17, 2023
Loaded some MacBaren Plumcake in the Ser Jacopo max (bong). Everything I read says it bites so Ive doubled my precautions. A bunch of meer chips in the big chamber and a 9mm filter! Its a nice smoke but it defintely does not live up to the quality of the HU tobaccos Ive been trying all week.


Man...the reviews are right. This stuff burns hot. This big pipe is pretty warm. I definitely think its a tasty tobacco but a bong pipe is the best approach.
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Nov 29, 2020
Newhaven England
Loaded some MacBaren Plumcake in the Ser Jacopo max. Everything I read says it bites so Ive doubled my precautions. A bunch of meer chips in the big chamber and a 9mm filter! Its a nice smoke but it defintely does not live up to the quality of the HU tobaccos Ive been trying all week.

View attachment 259883
I found the same thing with that blend, adding a little Latakia can help cut down the bite sometimes.
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