First smoke of November is also the first smoke (for me) in my recently gifted La Rossa Due bent billiard, H&H Caramel Apple Pie. Although the name makes it sound like a total PG-bomb that would ghost my pipe for the rest of the century, it's actually quite subdued, pleasant, and tobacco-forward, not to mention the obviously appealing property of being seasonally appropriate. I've got about three or four hours left of smoker-friendly weather, and I intend to make the most of it. This will be the earliest snowfall I've seen up here since moving here from LA back in early 2016, and according to a reliable local stalwart, one of the earliest, period! (10/31, for the record)
Bird report: California scrub-jay (almost always the first to show up), Steller's jay, White-crowned sparrow, Chipping sparrow, California towhee, Dark-eyed junco, Spotted towhee, Oak titmouse, White-breasted nuthatch, and Mountain chickadee.
Preparing for a nice, cozy evening. 'Tis the season!