Some freshly cut Latakia Virginia Bright in my sawn-off hunter pipe, a cold pilsener to wash it down.
It's as good a smoke as it always was. Can't believe it took me so long to try this leaf straight.
My damn washing machine broke yesterday and flooded the bathroom and parts of the hallway, two days after I gave the whole place a good and thorough scrubbing.

Thankfully there was no other damage and the mess was quickly cleaned up. Still...
On a happier note, I recently got hooked on old pipe tobacco TV ads. Many of you have probably seen them on the tube back in the days. This one is probably my favorite, it definitely made me want to try some
St. Bruno. Just look how enthusiastic that guy handles his pipe.

And that dog is just precious.
Followed by this one.
That's a neat trick the old fox is pulling off,
@Chasing Embers should try it out some time!
I also like how they all pack their pipes in those commercials, they don't give a shit!
@Carol - Hope you get well soon, I'm sure your pipes are missing you!