First bowl is Frog Morton's Cellar in a Chinese made Bamboo Volcano.
FMC is still sweet and savory as ever.
Second bowl, smoked in a Lorenzo Titano, is a home blend of 1/2 Star of the East, 1/4 Sutliff Red Virginia, 1/8 MacBaren Old Dark Fired, and 1/16 Blending Latakia to reinforce the smokiness.
Even though I reinforced the Red and ODF with extra Latakia the Dark Fired almost overpowers the heavy dose of Latakia, or at least they're neck and neck, though as I like to point out Latakia doesn't really have as much "Taste" as it does "Smell" and the flavor I'm really looking for is more Orientals and not just stronger Latakia. I might add Byzantium next time (that blend is pure Orientals and Latakia, plus a pinch of Perique, so it's ideal for just lowering the percentage of Virginia in an English blend).