Now smoking KBV Spaghetti Western 2020 Beta Test in a 1970s smooth medium bend Stanwell Registered 969-48 Design Choice 837 sitter with a vulcanite stem and ferrule in the military mount style.
Now smoking GLP Samarra 20th Anniversary Limited Edition in a 2002 Ser Jacopo Delecta Fatta A Mano R1 sandblast Rhodesian with a smooth extension at the shank with a military mount and a black acrylic tapered stem.
I'm enjoying some Lane Ready Rubbed in a Tekin Meer before bed. To my palate, this has the strongest chocolate flavor of any of the "tub" OTC tobaccos. I really enjoy it!
Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and am now smoking Wilke No. 515 in a 1998 smooth straight Butz-Choquin Bistro 1501 pot with a black vulcanite saddle stem. Going to do some art work now.
About a third of a bowl left of D&R VIP in a 2004 smooth long shank Trever Talbot Ligne Bretagne Faite en Bretagne 4/3 lumberman with a black vulcanite tapered stem.
I'm about to start some Sutliff Walnut Match in an old sandblasted Brebbia Bulldog with a vulcanite stem after finally finishing work. These flavors will not be fully appreciated because I've been crushing beers while finishing up this motion.