Relaxing after a wonderful salad, snapper and snow peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. Looks like Friday will be a full blown off diet day.
I'm a quarter of the way through this bowl of year 2014 Full Virginia Flake in a slight bend 1968 group 4S Dunhill Shell 475 cherrywood with a tapered black vulcanite stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink. Daisy the Feral Princess is more hungry today than usual. She also wanted to go out. I opened the door, she stuck half her body out, felt the chilly wind and rain, and ran as fast as she could to her blue blanket. Tomato the Brave isn't on my feet now; he's laying right by them. Harry the Hairy was in for quite a while, but he wanted out. Did not see Abner the Eager today. Maybe tomorrow or later if it isn't raining.