Pipe: McQueen cherrywood "Seafarer", Lat dedicated. Tobacco: another homebrew, "Gord's Balkan Style Whiskey English". This was designed so I have a backup to Black Frigate, my favourite Navy Style smoke and in my "Desert Island Trio" of Mad Fiddler, Black Frigate and Bengal Slices. Tried to design a similar consistency in my homemade version to match Black Frigate.. It is my friends' choice of my concoctions. Not as grand as BF but does the trick. Think Haydn, and then Beethoven. That should do the trick. Beethoven wins, but Haydn is pretty good, too! After all, he was Beethoven's composition instructor.
Listened to Beethoven Symphony #1 while smoking, and got 45 minutes with the smoke (and it was a very fine smoke) which, like this afternoons effort, about 10 minutes longer than the symphony itself.
You might also wonder why the music choices - then again, you may not. Whatever the case, the music choices are killing two birds with one stone. I've either played or conducted professionally all of the music I've been listening to. I'm also preparing to teach a Music Appreciation Course for the New Year's semester. I've done this before at the College and University level, and enjoy it thoroughly. I get to examine the musical examples I'll be presenting throughout, time them and get my feet wet again by refreshing my own brain. Now you know.