Afternoon festivities at the indoor range. No smoking allowed, but I always chew when I shoot. Keeps me relaxed.
Took my Weiraugh Model 97, my backup competition air rifle, one of the most used springers in Field Target Events, out of mothballs. Haven't shot it in quite a while. It's a great shooter, but I handle my Weiraugh Mod 98 better in the field. These groups were shot indoors today, at 20 yards, goal to readjust the point of impact so it is centered. Not quite there yet. Look at the groups from bottom to top to see progress. Shot from a bench with a front sandbag, and stock butt end resting on my right forearm (I shoot left-handed). I'll finish the job and tighten up the groups next Wednesday.
The pellet flight has been analysed, and will not spread from this 1/4" average, out to 55 yards, the maximum range targets are placed in this style of competition. Shooting is from various positions, no supports allowed except forearm rests. This is decent shooting, but won't get me into the finals in competition. Have to tighten up and solve the stringing problem - probably a loose screw. The rifle is shown in the bottom photo. These airguns are capable of astounding accuracy, and they are heavy. About 18 pounds without scope. My gun (as are most) have custom parts installed as well. You must be able to gauge distances in competition too, as the target distance is not marked or displayed. Great fun!