Afternoon smoke as planned, Amphora Absolute in a medium size pipe, the Ropp J07. This is a stellar pipe that has displayed an aptness for revealing subtleties in Orientals, so it was a no brainer for pipe selection. Because of its responsiveness it only gets stuffed with Orientals. I guess thatt's dedication. Whatever. Got the highest quality smoke. Used loose 2 pack, and expected 30 - 35 minutes. That's exactly what I got.
Will smoke the same fodder this evening in my large meer, also only stuffed with Orientals. One thing I've noticed about Absolute (Rich in the USA) is that it's a hard edged though subtle tobacco - I'm assuming there's a high percentage of Virginias in the mix, although it has fantastic variety. But it can be a recipe for tongue bite if oversmoked, so no more pipe until later evening. Will console myself with a Backwoods Honey Berry cigar after dinner instead, to be fair to the one tobacco today procedure.
Another thing I've noticed is my lack of fondness for the digital domain. Trying to balance colors between systems (I operate on Linux, not Windows or Apple) is a royal pain in the keester. Started there and will remain with Linux because I'm a Luddite and resistant to change. There are a lot of problems in this regard, making me yearn for the darkroom, and real chemicals and real enlarging lenses, where I'm far more comfortable. I'll stop whining now and check in with the results tonight.
Yeah, the snap is too dark to my eyes on this forum system. Looks good on my screen offline.
I'm assuming the forum uses Windoze.
Will smoke the same fodder this evening in my large meer, also only stuffed with Orientals. One thing I've noticed about Absolute (Rich in the USA) is that it's a hard edged though subtle tobacco - I'm assuming there's a high percentage of Virginias in the mix, although it has fantastic variety. But it can be a recipe for tongue bite if oversmoked, so no more pipe until later evening. Will console myself with a Backwoods Honey Berry cigar after dinner instead, to be fair to the one tobacco today procedure.
Another thing I've noticed is my lack of fondness for the digital domain. Trying to balance colors between systems (I operate on Linux, not Windows or Apple) is a royal pain in the keester. Started there and will remain with Linux because I'm a Luddite and resistant to change. There are a lot of problems in this regard, making me yearn for the darkroom, and real chemicals and real enlarging lenses, where I'm far more comfortable. I'll stop whining now and check in with the results tonight.
Yeah, the snap is too dark to my eyes on this forum system. Looks good on my screen offline.