Mac Baren Navy Flake in a Savinelli Porto Cervo 122 rusticated pot. Wrapping up some sundry ranch chores while wifey is out riding the 'stang. Going to be more like Seattle here over the next few days, so I'm happy to have this extra wide bowl to last me an hour plus. Hope to get a bowl in tomorrow as well, but that's up to the clouds. 9/10
Bird report: White-crowned sparrow, California towhee, Chipping sparrow, Dark-eyed junco, California scrub-jay, American crow, Northern flicker, Oak titmouse, Spotted towhee, Hairy woodpecker, Steller's jay, Mountain chickadee, Western bluebird, and California quail.
Happy weekend all!
Smoking Plumcake is like Meeting an old friend. So familiar. Not an English. Not an aromatic. But Delicious. In the natural 510ks.
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Got a pound of it cellared, probably should get more. One of my staple favorites! And your bulldog reminds me a little bit of my Stefano Rhodesian: