***What Are You Smoking, May 2023?***

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18 Fresh Rossi Pipes
3 Fresh Bill Shalosky Pipes
72 Fresh Nørding Pipes
9 Fresh Ser Jacopo Pipes

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Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and am half way through this bowl of 2023 STG Escudo in a slight bend rusticated 1979 Savinelli Estella 310 poker with a brown pearl acrylic saddle stem. I remember when this blend had a fair amount of perique in it. Oh well... Watching the Reds-Cubs game and getting ready to clean a few pipes. Lavazza Classico, neat, is my drink.
Estella 310 poker.jpg


Can't Leave
Oct 16, 2022
Now smoking some Peter Stokkebye's Optimum blend. The pipe is a Ser Jacopo - Delecta series. Inscribed with the Latin saying "Per aspera ad astra." ("Through adversity to the stars".) According to the reviews, I should really be enjoying myself! I hope I am cuz I bought 8 oz of the stuff.

No. 6-1 Ser Jacopo Delecta.JPG


Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 19, 2023
the Netherlands
The first time I try 'War Horse Green', in a small old meerschaum chimney. I bought this tin in 03- 2018 and almost forgot that it was there.


The tobacco is more dry than I expected it to be, but I did hear the right sound when I opened the tin. I have left it in the bowl to breathe for a few hours.
It is very different from most tobaccos in my cellar but actually it is not bad I think. A glass of 'Pernod/Ricard' would match very well as a drink with it.


Can't Leave
Jun 15, 2022
Metro Detroit
About to try some Erinmore Flake in a freshly modified cob I finished up early this afternoon. Just playing around with proportion, shaping the top of the bowl, wire brushing the cob to get depth and two toning by removing finish on the polisher. It's really a quick and rough exercise, but it should still smoke like a cob.


Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
A quarter of the way through this bowl of 2017 Watch City Deluxe Crumb Cut in a 2016 Peretti's M.T. Natural made in Holland straight smooth brown Algerian briar billiard with a tapered black acrylic stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink.
M.T. Natural.jpg


Nov 20, 2022
North Carolina
Big ol’ Ashton ELX with a Les Wood silver band stuffed with 1995 XMas Cheer.

Confession, I just ordered and then immediately cancelled said order of 3 high end pipes I’ve been drooling over for months. That hurt to let them go but my rule is I cannot spend money I don’t have unless it’s a life emergency. I have an excellent credit rating, which is dangerous as I can get more credit anytime I want. It was actually easy to cancel the order, as it was so obviously against my personal values.

It was thrilling for just a minute, imagining those normally unaffordable pipes were mine. 😩

There are times in life where I think the best decision is to go into debt. This wasn’t one of them. 😂



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 23, 2022
Returned today from two days of trout fishing and general, all-purpose hootin' and hollerin' at our cabin. Couldn't have asked for a better time. Great to visit, and fish, with family and old friends.
Smoking C&D Blockade Runner in a Peterson bulldog. Enjoy the evening everyone!!
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