About a third of a bowl left of year 2021 Watch City Glass Slipper Micro-Batch in a post-2000 straight brown sandblasted Tom Eltang cherrywood with a black acrylic saddle stem. Fed Daisy the Feral princess and Tomato the Brave. The black cat came around to eat their left overs. I heard a cat screeching, and ran outside to see what happened, but all I saw was Tomato coming back on the deck from the side of the house looking a tad fierce. I put plenty of food out for the black cat, which he/she (?) quickly ate. It still runs from me, but this time, it stopped to look at me while I talked to it, which is the first time that's happened. So, I put more dry food near the back door, and kept the door open with the screen door closed. It came back and ate, occasionally looking up at me while I spoke. It left after it finished. I'm hoping to teach it not to be afraid of me, but I realize that will be a slow, maybe useless project. But, I'll try just the same.
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