Relaxing after a wonderful salad, rainbow trout and green beans dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm almost half way through this bowl of year 2016 Stonehaven in a straight black sandblasted 1957 Barling Exel 249 Fossil T.V.F. black billiard with a silver banded military mount and a black ebonite tapered stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink.
Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and am smoking D&R Penhooker in a straight smooth dark brown post-WWII family era Sasieni Two Dot 55 billiard with a tapered black vulcanite stem. First time smoking this pipe.
Now smoking Peter Stokkebye No. 17 English Luxury in a straight post-1981 GBD Prehistoric 133 billiard with brass accents, the letter K stamped on the shank with a tapered black vulcanite stem. Off to work I go.
Now smoking SWRA in a straight, black sandblasted undated Comoy’s Sunrise Etched Grain straight apple 551 with a black vulcanite saddle stem. Working and listening to Fibber McGee and Molly on the XM. I've heard this episode several times, but it's still funny to me, though I wish this channel would expand their library of shows.
Went on my longest horse ride ever with wifey and friend, about an hour and a half. Also, trotted for the first time in 32 years. Needless to say, my ass is quite sore (and I don't mean donkey!).
Celebrating with a wee lil' pinch of Sutliff Balkan Sobranie Orig. Mix Match in my MM mini-cob, the one-hitter of the pipe world. No bird report, obviously. Gonna sleep like a baby tonight! ?
Now smoking D&R Penhooker Silver in a straight smooth brown undated Pre-Republic Peterson Shamrock 263 Canadian with a nickel band and a black tapered vulcanite p-lip stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink.