@JimInks I enjoyed the Luxury Navy Flake in my clay pipes.Now smoking year 2016 Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake in a straight smooth brown post-1964 Parker Super Bruyere 88/F group 3 bulldog with a tapered black vulcanite stem.
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The Epiphany is good stuffGood morning Al,
Started off earlier with Presbyterian in a GBD Conquest Minaret and now I’m just about to try C&D Epiphany for the first time in a GBD Sablee billiard
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I've also used a heat gun to work on stems. Straightened, drilled for a better draw and then rebent. I was so worried I was going to screw it up, but it wasn't as hard as I had imagined.Bought a heat gun yesterday and made some minor adjustments in a few Peterson acrylic stems to improve the angles. Easier than anything!
Smoking Three Friars all day.
Spent an hour and a half “zooming” with some high school buddies and reminiscing about the old days.
Happy smokes to all and to all a good night.
Hope you managed a seventh inning stretch! Sounds perfect.Well, since I've been watching a baseball game, I figured I could get into the spirit of it with an off-diet lunch. Enjoyed four jumbo Nathan's hot dogs with mustard and chili, some popcorn, peanuts, and a Blue Bunny Vanilla Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream cone. That'll hold me for a few minutes!!I'm just passing the half way mark on this bowl of year 2016 Orlik Golden Sliced in a smooth brown medium bend Abbott 788 (Sasieni family era) author with a tapered black vulcanite stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink.
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