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Nov 29, 2020
Newhaven England
Couldn’t sleep and knew it wasn’t gonna happen. Back at the desk finishing some G’s 1820 mix in the Kiko meer poker, eyeing up some Balkan Supreme and I have just enough to load up the Vauen Luxus P-lip
image.jpgChurchwarden (I love the carving of this stem it’s very elegant and obviously handmade).
The earlier stand I knocked up has been replaced with this soon to be double stand. When I get round to finding another twig.


Jan 30, 2020

What’s with what appears like a stamp inside the chamber of the second pipe/picture?

Since I’ve been here I’ve noticed how some of your cabinets are slightly displayed in the backgrounds, showing what I presume is a nice collection. I believe I’ve seen on the forum posts to show off collections, have you posted any? If not I hope you will, as I’d love to see your complete cabinets collections, if you don’t mind sharing.

One last thing, with what appears like an immense collection, I was curious, how are you considering the next pipe you’d to smoke next? Any method to the madness, or whatever sparks your fancy? :)

Yes, some pipes do have stickers inside the bowls showing the prices in shillings and pence but mostly the prices are written in pencil inside the bowls but being pencil very few prices have survived over time.

I'd say my collection is reasonable for the budget I had in my teens to my thirties but nothing compared to say the late Tony Irving and his House of Pipes with over 15,000 pieces (all sold at auction in 1990).

That's easy, as I'm only smoking Calabash pipes at this time . . . 95% of my antique pipes were bought in unsmoked condition and were never bought to be smoked (although I have taken the virginity of several in the past). I think I'll leave the smoking of them to the next owner.


Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Relaxing after a wonderful salad, rainbow trout and green beans dinner with a small scoop of Dutch chocolate ice cream for dessert. I'm just finishing a phone call with my old college room mate, and this bowl of year 2017 Savinelli Doblone d’Oro in a smooth straight brown early ‘60s Lane era “William Conrad” Charatan Executive Extra Large stretch apple with diagonal channel cuts on the lower right and left of the bowl along with a black vulcanite double comfort saddle stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink.
Conrad_apple-thumbnail copy.jpg


Sep 2, 2015
San Francisco Bay Area, USA
I kinda tore through the Tuskegee so I’m having another Yello Bole of 3 Nuns Green, I packed it the way the old original tins say you should and stacked the coins and teased the top. It’s very dry out the tin, has anyone else noticed that or is it just my tin? It’ smoking great although I need to slow it down a bit.
Now on season two of The Killing and rum has replaced the scotch.
Sorry for the late reply, but what did you think of the Tuskegee? I've been curious about it, but never tried it.. How would you rate the strength?

Now smoking Gawith, Hogarth & Co. Dark Birdseye in an Ashton Pebble Grain XX



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Almost half way through this bowl of year 2018 Esoterica Dunbar in a smooth straight, dark brown early 1960s Lane era Charatan Selected 43 Dublin with a black vulcanite double comfort saddle stem. This pipe was formerly owned by actor William Conrad. Zooming with friends.
Conrad-Dublin copy.jpg
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