Now smoking Cope’s Escudo in a slight bend rusticated 1979 Savinelli Estella 310 poker with a brown pearl acrylic stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink.
Just finished smoking MacBaren Burley London Blend in a 2015 three quarter bend two tone Chacom UPO Rouge squashed tomato with a black acrylic stem and shank.
Almost finished smoking Stokkebye Highland Whiskey in a 2013 slight bend grain etched briar John Barrett Volcano with a walnut shank and a black plastic stem. Awake longer than I expected to be this morning.
Almost half way through this bowl of Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 1982 black sandblasted paneled slight bend Savinelli flat bottom sitter with a black vulcanite stem. A cup of Maxwell House, neat, is my drink.