Half & Half in a MM Devil Anse Acorn.
yohanan Lifer Oct 1, 2011 2,135 4,212 Old Belt/U.S.A. May 31, 2017 #901 Half & Half in a MM Devil Anse Acorn.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,533 676,009 May 31, 2017 #903 Granger in the third pipe I ever bought ($1.95), a 1974 smooth straight French briar Hadley Apple with a black vulcanite stem.
Granger in the third pipe I ever bought ($1.95), a 1974 smooth straight French briar Hadley Apple with a black vulcanite stem.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,533 676,009 May 31, 2017 #904 D&R William’s Delight in a 1979 no name French briar smooth full bend egg with a black vulcanite stem.
D&R William’s Delight in a 1979 no name French briar smooth full bend egg with a black vulcanite stem.
mso489 Lifer Feb 21, 2013 41,211 60,660 Jun 1, 2017 #906 Frog Morton Cellar in a Rossi Palermo zulu 404; Cellar probably goes better in a slightly broader chamber -- pot, author, diplomat -- but it's good!
Frog Morton Cellar in a Rossi Palermo zulu 404; Cellar probably goes better in a slightly broader chamber -- pot, author, diplomat -- but it's good!