Late morning smoke in the new little
Peterson Dublin. After the two initial break-in bowls of SP Whiskey, my go-to break in fodder, I smoked a bowlful of
Smokers' Pride Classic, a burley mix infused with a bit of vanilla. Had a very nice smoke, pulled just shy of 50 minutes with it, with a fairly fast burning tobacco. Could also taste a little hint of the topping. Surprised at the ease of break-in with the Pete, as mentioned before, unlike some of my past experiences. This pipe is weaning fast indeed.

I had an almost identical break-in experience with my System Standard. It, too, smoked well from almost from the start. This pipe is also responding in a very similar manner with an independent very large bowl (briar) for my Falcon. It immediately liked plain and aro-codger blends, and eventually took well to these and some aromatics. I think that's what this pipe will like, too. We'll see in a day or two while I give it a rest. Love the sandblast. It remains unscorched!