A smoke of Argy twist mixed with Virginia/Burley/ Condor in a Falcon while cooking a chunk of Argentine beef.
@Scottishgaucho If I'd been there I'd have lit my clay pipe from the fire like at the Derbyshire Woodland Festival where I got it lit with a nettle stem!
Just smoked a clay pipe of TAK Little Snake; still got 5 packets of Clan to smoke in my clay pipes.
Got a recycling project planned for some Hello Fresh food insulation; going to make some cushions with it and some Calico covers.
I think the tartan Clan packets would be good for craft projects as well, especially as they're non recyclable!
I think I'll need some Nicorette lozenges to help me kick the pipeweed except for re-enactment events

Check out my YouTube channel; search for"Halfdan Redbeard".
Saving the good pipeweed for re-enactments and ordered a slow match to light my clay pipes!
Match cord was used during the Civil War for lighting clay pipes and matchlock muskets.
Got some Virginia Cake to smoke at the Jamestown event; I'll be taking my Jamestown clay pipe with me. I could take some Cannon Plug with me as well. My Jamestown clays have a small bowl so I shouldn't smoke too much pipeweed in one go