Having my first ever bowl of D&R Cockstrong in a Dunhill 6103 Root. It's odd, it's not really all that strong as in the GH&Co sense of nic hit but its fuller flavored. And it doesn't taste at all like cock....no, not that cock. I've never tasted that one. It's true! Even with all my prison talk, that was just jokes. I mean the bird one potty brain. So I am confused by the name. No poultry taste and not much of a nic hit. Not sure why I thought it would taste like full flavored Rooster. After all, C&D's Bayou Morning doesn't taste like a swamp. Dan Tobacco's Salty Dog doesn't taste like cooked dog right out of the ocean (thank you for that nightmare Cambodia) and Samuel Gawith's Perfection doesn't taste like Kate Beckinsale dipped in honey so I guess a simpleton like me needs to stop taking these names literally.
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