Brown Twist in a meerschaum 5 1/2" 'cutty' with a Heineken beer whilst enjoy a warm Florida evening.
Good to know. I have a couple lbs in cellar at 1 year or so already. Not sure how long they'll last, but will keep whatever lasts there in the jars.I got in on that deal also. HUGE difference with a little time. I have some 8 year aged that is glorious...
Thanks,papamique,and all others.LJ Peretti Tashkent Mixture In one of my EBay intervention pipes,in this case,a Lorenzo “Napoli” saddle bit Billiard 9mm with a Denicotea crystal filter installed.No flavor reduction issues.View attachment 23752View attachment 23754
Thanks, that's what attracted me to it was well. It seems to be an "IL Duca" signature color. Smoke great as well...THAT is one gorgeous pipe! Love the blast and the color!
Fold and stuff is a myth.Capstan Gold Flake in Peterson SH Original. Fold and stuff without drying. Excellent blend. But should have dry the flake. Too many relights, but that's my fault. Too much rearranging the tobacco, but I heard that's usual for flake done fold and stuff.
View attachment 23833