Just finished smoking Sutliff Dunhill Elizabethan Match in a straight smooth brown 1960s-70s BBB Own Make 506 Canadian with a sterling silver band and a tapered black vulcanite stem. Thunderstorms have rained out my second set of walking reps. Just hoping I don't lose power.
A quarter of the way through this bowl of Sutliff Cringle Flake (Holiday Edition 2021) in a black straight, grain etched family era (Post WW2) Four Dot Sasieni “Appleby” apple with a tapered black vulcanite stem.
Half a bowl of oil sunflower seeds, almost. The jar from which I feed the chipmunks was next to an identical jar of deluxe crumb cut. They didn't tamp right, is how I finally noticed.
About a third of a bowl left of Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation Evening Flake in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson Ebony POTY 4AB No. 422/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem.