***What Are You Smoking, June 2022?***

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Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Relaxing after a wonderful salad, grouper and snow peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm smoking year 1983 Condor Long Cut in a smooth straight 1870s Au Pacha meerschaum canted cutty with a sterling silver band and amber orific stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink.
Au Pacha_cutty.jpg

Servant King

Geriatric Millennial
Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
Old Dublin in a rusticated Savinelli Canadian while I continue a long dive in California's state budget. My favorite part has been our DMV losing its lease on an office in Orange County. Who dropped the ball on watching that lease, I wonder?

I've only been smoking this Old Dublin a week or so -- I'm really enjoying it.
It's easy to drop the ball on most things when government employees are burning off hours (on the clock, of course) staring nonstop at Cardi B's instagram feed. cray?


Feb 21, 2013
C&D Tuggle Hall, a burley based English blend, in a Tinder Box house pipe, a St. Ives, the first pipe I bought about 40 years ago, a smooth bent pot with a unique vertical saddle stem, still smoking great and looking good after all these years. As a burley devotee, I especially enjoy this burley based English blend. I think the pipe is sourced from a French maker, possibly Chacom. Imagine, July 1 tomorrow.

Had to scrub my vets appointment to have one of my two cats vaccinated, routine rabies and distemper. Couldn't get him in the carrier. His brother went without a problem a week ago. This boy is too spoiled, but he follows me from room to room and tucks me in at night. I'm too nice. I'll try again. I'd carry him by hand. He's chipped but not tagged, and i'm afraid he'd never get back if he bolted. I need Tabitha the cat whisperer who worked with horses and could trim a cat's claws in her lap when others had to hold her (the cat) down. It's mind set and confidence -- unquestioned trust and a calm mind.
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Servant King

Geriatric Millennial
Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
Sneaking in a mini-bowl of Stonehaven in a Foyard rhodesian before supper, to conclude a very arduous workday (and come to think of it, a very arduous workmonth too). Barring some unforeseen circumstance (though I can't help but feel like merely uttering these words is basically just begging for something screwy to happen in this day and age!), this will likely be my last smoke of the month. Bird report: House finch, White-breasted nuthatch, California towhee, Mountain chickadee, Oak titmouse, Western bluebird, and Western kingbird. All small birds today.

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