Smoking some Windjammer in a Gasparini MGM panel billiard
I think St Bruno is the patron saint of addiction. There’s your juju. ?Good day all! Started with C&D Bayou Morning in an Upshall P smooth Dublin with saddle stem (found a larger bowl for this blend works better for me). Followed by St. Bruno Flake RR in an Upshall sandblast Canadian again. St Bruno is the most unusual blend I've smoked. Got my first pouch Friday and after my first bowl immediately got a strange yearning - even though I didn't particularly like it! But Saturday and Sunday the yearning grew while smoking other blends. Suddenly, this morning, I had an actual craving for this blend again while smoking something else - it's not the smoothest, sophisticated, etc., but whatever's in it is working some serious juju.
I wasn't, but that's an idea.Might have a longer smoke that way.?I didn’t read your whole post at first and thought you might be smoking both at the same time?