Two afternoon smokes today. No morning smoke - Morning Sunday Mass as usual. However, two very interesting afternoon puffs. The burning in process continues with my Falcon, and I used TobaccoBarn's "Traditional English" which is one of my favorite English blends. Mild and cool burning, with just the right amount of Lat.
The first smoke, however, was very interesting indeed. I used another of my McQueen miniatures, this one called the "Dwarf." Similar bowl to the "Prospector" but a shorter 8" stem and this one is in briar. I tested out the third of my own English blends (and t'will be the last, t'will, t'will) and I'm happy to report that I'm really happy with the result. This mixture involves using Smoker's Pride Whiskey tobacco in 7 parts, 2 parts Britt's Balkan, and 1 part Latakia.
The Whiskey tobacco, if you read my mixing threads, seemed to have reacted with the Lat and produced a very perique like effect. Others who smoked it, said exactly the same thing, one friend of mine saying it was a bit "bruttaforza." Another forum member made it up dittoed. I smoked the "Britt's Balkan" by itself, and it was excellent. My first experience with a Balkan blend. So I made up the final mixture, using the Balkan as the oriental base, let it ruminate for a full week, dried it out quite a bit, and smoked it this morning. Ever so pleased with the result. I'd smoke this one on a regular basis. Thrilled I am, but thus ends my mixing career. I realized that the world doesn't really need another tobacco. We are,, or at least I am, currently overwhelmed.
BTW I have dubbed this blend "Gord's Balkan Style Whiskey English.
And now there are three. And, Quothe the Raven, "Nevermore."