Corncob back out for the experiment. I just used a small pinch of the McChrystal's O&G because I'm afraid of the snuff burning too hot, or possibly it biting.
Started with loading the bowl with the PS Danish Export, followed by half of the small pinch, then topping it back off and a little more of the pinch and packaging down and then filling up the rest of the way with the last of it sprinkled on top.
I could slightly taste some of the menthol on an unlit draw. I could tell then I probably didn't use enough. While burning, there's no scent in the air of any menthol. Drawing through the first half of the bowl, no menthol taste. It finally started to slightly become mentholated at the mid point, where I put most of the snuff, but it was extremely subtle, and only on some puffs.
The O&G might simply not have strong enough of a menthol flavor, or possibly I didn't use enough. However, I can say there is a slight cooling sensation on my tongue even if I can't taste the menthol, and thankfully no bite or burn. I thought about just keeping the tin handy and just sprinkling a little on top as I smoke down, but I didn't.
One day, I might discover a combination that comes close to the McClintock Menthol as it used to be 15 years ago when it was still owned by Stokkebye back in my RYO cigarette days. As for this experiment, it wasn't quite... up to