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Servant King

Geriatric Millennial
Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
First try of Vauen #14 Flake (sample) in a Foyard beechwood Rhodesian, as I battened down the hatches for this weekend snowstorm. Another stellar VA to join the ranks of about half a dozen others in my cellar. Which at this moment is full to the point of bursting. Don't believe me? Just ask my credit card. 9/10

Bird report: California towhee, Dark-eyed junco, White-crowned sparrow, California scrub-jay, American crow, Steller's jay, Northern flicker, Spotted towhee, Hairy woodpecker, Mountain chickadee, White-breasted nuthatch, Western bluebird, and Blue-grey gnatcatcher.

Shabbat shalom!


@Sobrbiker how's Bob's leg doing? Much better I hope!


Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Relaxing after a wonderful salad, chicken legs and snow peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. Tomorrow will be an off diet day. I'm passing the half way mark of this bowl of year 2014 Dunhill Flake in a straight smooth 1960 Dunhill DR 137 group 4 root briar canted dublin with a tapered black vulcanite stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink. Had to traffic cop feral feeding. Tomato the Brave was very hyper and silly. He was batting around and chasing a Q-Tip, and after he tired out, he wanted to go outside. Daisy the Feral Princess sez she's going to tailor a white restraint coat for Tomato. :)
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