I recently received a roughly two pound log of Ecuadorian Mapacho (
Nicotiana Rustica), which can have up to
nine times the amount of nicotine than common tobacco, so I’ll proceed with a relatively small amount to start; when I smoked three consecutive bowls of Sutliff Pipe Force V (which contains Rustica) during a Zoom call with a friend awhile back, I felt the nic hit
big time at the end of three hours. I’m going to have the Ecuadorian Mapacho in a Peruvian ceremonial pipe typically used for smoking Mapacho or Ayahuasca, made from Chonta (
Bactris Gasipaes—also known as Peach Palm, a hard Amazonian wood often used to make weapons), decorated with cross sections of Ayahuasca vines.
I’m curious to hear what you think of this stuff, as I know you also got a log of Mapacho.