John Bull Royal English in my Savinelli Bacco 321 rusticated bent author. This was the first lat blend I ever tried, so it always brings me back to where it all started. Well, technically, it all started with my conception, but that's not a memory that
any blend can evoke (thankfully), nor is it something I care to
complain think about. Crap, I've said too much already...
Bird report: California scrub-jay, Steller's jay, California towhee, California quail, California thrasher, White-crowned sparrow, House finch, Chipping sparrow, Mountain chickadee, White-breasted nuthatch, Common raven, Ring-necked dove (called so because you really want to wring their necks), Dark-eyed junco, and Spotted towhee. 19 degrees this morning, and the sun was already up. Spent Sunday evening with the in-laws, so this is a much savored (and much needed) bowl.
Just finished some Folklore in a Poul Hansen. Monstrous chamber so only filled in part way. Spiked coffee to drink.
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Hell, looks like you could just about fit the whole 16 oz. brick in that bowl!