C&D Bayou Night, a burley blend just this side of overbearing that I greatly enjoy, in a Savinelli Opera 673 KS slightly bent bulldog in a dark mahogany stain with thin two-tone bands. C&D also makes the same blend in different proportions for an entirely different experience, in the medium-mild range, called Mountain Camp, which I also like. These illustrate the difference proportions make in blends.
Yesterday I bought a 4' step ladder for indoors, like changing light bulbs, in a light blue, made of fiberglass, so as not to be conductive, and therefore suitable for electrical work, if changing bulbs qualifies. It has really good footing, both in its wide stance, and in its wide rungs, so I can hang onto the top of the ladder while I work with the other hand. A good cautious ladder for a guy who ain't no spring chicken.