Thank youBeautiful pipe!
Thank youBeautiful pipe!
Just received a delivery the other day with some Field and Stream. I quite enjoyed it.Sutliff Field and Stream Match in a C&D/MM collaborative cob nose warmer with a tomato red stem and silver-colored band. A sincerely chilly day with bright sun.
That’s a beauty! ??Lane RLP-6 in a MM Country Gentleman View attachment 120079
Oh that… sorry. Rings tend to need prongs, resizing, new stones cut, run over, smashed, bent, busted, stuff added, stuff subtracted, melted, if the human being can do it, they do it to rings, and I fix them. It doesn’t pay much…. but, it’s spiritually fulfilling.I like the pipe, but I'm more intrigued by the cut out windows in the ring in the pie tin.